valentines day bouquets

for v-day 2025 i offered valentines day bouquets to my friends and local businesses. it was a huge success!! i am so thrilled people purchased from me and trusted me to make these beautiful bouquets. and a super special shoutout to old fort yoga. katie is so amazing, the studio is so nice, there are sooo many classes… also katie supported me so much throughout this experience so go to OLD FORT YOGA!!

this adventure included purchasing flowers and making my own arrangements. i made each arrangement with 11 stems - possibly more, and then each bouquet was wrapped. i also hand stamped note tags and tied one onto each bouquet. which was a special touch. i make my bouquets all different, one of a kind. i also try to spice each bouquet up by adding my own style. each bouquet made was made with endless love, hand wrapped and cared for by meee. the love pours out of my heart endlessly for everyone that supported me through this new adventure. we can definitely expect more bouquets, loads of garden grown blooms and flowers for any and all occasions.


january newsletter